Sony has launched the SRS-XB3 Extra Bass portable wireless speakers in India at INR 9990. The speakers which will compete with the JBL flip series feature a 1.89 inch speaker unit, with an embedded magnet and long stroke which allow the speaker to produce extra, and deep bass sounds.
It's all about the bass
It has a battery life of about 24 hours, is water resistant and supports Bluetooth and NFC. The speaker can also be used as power bank.
A picture showing the splash proof capabilities of the SRS-XB3
Main Features of the SRS-XB3:
- Deep Bass with Sony’s EXTRA BASS technology.
- Sony’s DSP (digital signal processor) processing technology for rich acoustic sounds.
- One touch wireless listening with Bluetooth & NFC.
- Continuous playback time of approx. 24 hours.
- Splash proof
- Can be used as a battery charger via its USB-A port
- 211 x 80 x 83mm in size and weighs just 930 gms
- Available in black, blue and red colour options.