So, finally the completely electric Mahindra Verito has hit the market today. Mahindra has launched the three different variants of e-Verito- D2, D4 and D6 with an Ex-showroom price between INR 9.5-10 Lakhs.
This is Mahindra's second fully electric vehicle which has been launched in the Indian market. It has a Li-Ion 72 Volt battery pack which would take around 8 hours and 45 minutes to power it up. The D6 variant has a quick charging feature which makes it possible to power it up within 1 hour and 45 minutes provided you charge it at Mahindra's Electric Fast Charging Station.
With a fully charged Mahindra e-Verito, you can drive upto 110 km which can be enhanced with its standard regenerative braking feature. The vehicle can run upto a speed of 86 km/h which is good enough for an electric vehicle.
There are some remarkable features added in the e-Verito D4 and upper versions such as the infotainment system, alloy wheels, headlamps, electric ORVMs, and also a keyless entry. Another amazing feature of the electric vehicle is ‘REVIVE’ which would make the vehicle run an extra 8 kms in case of low power levels.