The yet-to-be launched new Bajaj Pulsar CS400 was found near Khopoli in Raigad district in Maharashtra along with a red RS200. These pictures by MotorBeam depict the actual scene where the bike was found.
Although the bike was covered with camouflage stickers to hide the details but it was without ABS installation and with MRF Revz- FC1 tyres. However, the design and the bodywork is the same as what was showcased at the Auto Expo event in 2014. The Bajaj Pulsar CS400 is expected to have single channel ABS like the RS200 especially in the Indian market. The bike is also found to have a fully black exhaust pipe and not the traditional aluminum finished one.
The Bajaj Pulsar CS400 is based on the triple-spark technology and expected to have a liquid cooled 373cc engine, the same as the KTM Duke 390. You will enjoy a superior and calm ride over the bike.
Anyways, the launch date is not so far and we will have soon have full specifications and features of CS400.