Since launched, Maruti Vitara Brezza has received over 95,000 bookings, as per reports by ET Auto. Over 27,000 units have been sold so far and now Maruti plans to gear up production rate to meet the demand and fasten the delivery process.
The reason for quick popularity of Vitara Brezza is its highly competitive price. The compact SUVs are gaining popularity because of their style quotient and the bodystyle and Maruti left all others behind by launching the sub-4m diesel-powered SUV between Rs. 6.99-9.68 Lakhs (ex-showroom Delhi).
The competitive pricing with amazing style has given carbuyers a good reason to jump into the SUV bandwagon. This year in May Maruti has received a 260.4 percent growth due to its sub-4m SUV as compared to 2015. A petrol variant of the Vitara Brezza is expected to be launched later this year.
To know more about tech specs of Vitara Breeza: