These pictures from show a test mule of Mahindra's new MPV. The-to-be launched MPV by Mahindra has been spotted under wraps in Chennai. Rumours say that this new MPV would be replacing Xylo, and would be named as Mahindra TUV500. It seems Mahindra wants to make its space in the segment dominated by Toyota Innova.
There are also rumours about Mahindra’s patent for an MPV- TUV500. Although the test mule was heavily camouflaged but still it clearly reflected Mahindra's design language. The test mule had vertical muscular grille with the claw mark chrome inserts which clearly say that it is Mahindra's production.
For now reports say that the TUV 500 will get its power from the 2.2-litre oil burner from the XUV500 which will produce 140 HP of power and 330 Nm of torque. The engine will be matched to 6-speed manual and automatic gearboxes.
The front of the MPV seesms to be inspired from the XUV500. Even the curvy bonnet, sloped windshield and the wide headlights are all familiar.The vehicle reflects a typical utilitarian MPV profile from its sides. It has an extended roofline for accommodating well the third seat row.
The car has got wide wheel arches with a new design for the rear having sleek wraparound tail-lights.
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